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Who We Are


The Williams

Pastor Jered and Wife Melissa

Jered, Melissa and their 4 children moved to El Dorado in 2020 from Elk City, OK to help plant Connect Church.  Jered has a passion to teach God's word, see people experience Jesus and to see the church reflect the glory of God. Melissa works for SBA as a Physical Therapist and they both love sports, being outdoors and spending time as a family.

Reagan Heimgartner

Connect Kids Leader

Reagan is in her second year of college studying Music Education.  Her passion for Jesus and children is evident in the lessons she builds to connect our kids to the Word of God each week!


The Andersons

Bert and Jan

Bert and Jan have been in El Dorado since 2007 and a part of Connect Church since it's early days. Both are active members in the community interested in seeing people find relationships with Jesus and one another.

The Marshes

Caleb and Jillian

The Marshes have been in El Dorado since 2010 and have a deep love for this community. They have been with Connect Church since it's inception and are excited to see how God might use it to draw people into community with each other and relationship with Him. Caleb serves as worship leader for Connect.

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